Sunday, November 26, 2023

2023: Week 13

Rivalry (Hate) Week has come and gone.  After some big games, the rankings look really good now.  

Important note: I noticed that the radio options actually have the Square Root function as the default, not the Quarter-circle.  I don't know at which point I reset my browser, so it's possible that some of the prior weeks were using the Square Root function instead of Quarter circle.  

For this week, I have switched back to quarter-circle, but kept the max victory margin at 35.

My upset stats are even worse this week:

Ranking Stats

Upsets: 724 of 4126 games (17.547261269995154%)
Margins of Victory in upsets: 7655 (8.95510165882876% of total margin points)

And then there was stuff after the table...

But the rankings are really good!  Definitely teams that I would think should be near the top.  The only real surprise is how far down Georgia is.  (They are currently ranked #1.)

  1. Washington
  2. Oregon
  3. Florida St.
  4. Louisville
  5. Michigan
  6. Texas
  7. Ohio State
  8. Oklahoma
  9. Penn State
  10. Notre Dame
  11. Georgia
  12. Arizona
  13. North Carolina St
  14. Oregon St
  15. Kansas St
  16. Duke
  17. Alabama
  18. Oklahoma St
  19. Clemson
  20. North Carolina
  21. Iowa
  22. James Madison
  23. Kansas
  24. Miami FL
  25. LSU


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