Wednesday, October 4, 2023

2023: Week 5 (Trying to come back)

I would like to get back to rating teams during the season.  This may be less important now that there's a playoff, but I'm still curious to have some sort of objective basis to see how teams are doing.

Naturally, there are still issues with the algorithm I implemented:

  • It doesn't consider overtime.  An overtime win could perhaps be less valuable than a normal win.  I need to work this into the system in some meaningful way.
  • It doesn't work if teams play multiple times.  This is a big issue now that conference championships are commonplace throughout NCAA football.  I'm not actually sure what the best way to handle this issue is!

Another issue is that I don't have a good mechanism for the case of results that don't converge.   That is the case with what I get in week 5 of this year.  Here are the parameters I chose from the ranker site:

  • 35-point max margin of victory, and
  • Using the Quarter-Circle function.

With this I get a back-and-forth semi-tie between Kansas Wesleyan and Southwestern KS.  Instead of converging, it flops back and forth between them.  Currently the algorithm caps out at 18,000 iterations, picking  in an unfair way.  Nevertheless, every week during football season, I wish I were posting these results, so here they go.

The abysmal stats I get for this run are:

Nearly 50% upsets.  Not good.

Here are the top 25 teams from this run.  (You can, of course, check this, but I don't recommend it.)  I expect anyone can pick some parameters that provide better stats.

Anyways, here's the ranking I get:

  1. Kansas Wesleyan (they wouldn't have been on top after 18,001 iterations)
  2. Southwestern KS
  3. Evangel
  4. Friends
  5. McPherson
  6. Ottawa KS
  7. St Mary KS
  8. Tabor
  9. Bethel KS
  10. Avila
  11. Sterling
  12. Bethany KS
  13. Georgetown DC
  14. Howard
  15. Lafayette
  16. New Hampshire
  17. Norfolk St
  18. St Francis PA
  19. Abilene Christian
  20. Adams St
  21. Adrian
  22. Air Force
  23. Akron
  24. Alabama
  25. Alabama A&M

The last seven entries aren't in alphabetical order by luck, after St Francis PA, all teams have converged to value zero.  Alabama being in number 24 isn't a good sign that things will rectify in the future.

Nevertheless, I do think things will get better as more weeks go by and more games are played by each team.  I don't know how long it will take before we start to get some meaningful results. 

I'll keep this up as the weeks go by, but I'll also post if I make any improvements.  If you are able to get anything meaningful, please leave a comment!

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